Following the trail of the IICSAthon
Part One – The Dark Force that Dare not Speak its Name
Yesterday in the Times
David Aaronovitch
mounted a powerful argument as to why the beleaguered IICSA inquiry
should not only be disbanded, but should have never been set up in the
first place.
In summary, its scope is too broad, as echoed in the former chair Dame Lowell Goddard's critique, and it was founded
on a McCarthyite hysteria about a VIP ring which has since deflated to virtual extinction.
Aaronovitch documents how the crusading zeal of select politicians,
journalists and campaigners forced the
hand of the then Home Secretary to set up an inquiry. This then became a
pawn in the hands of alleged victims and their supporters, leading to
the current sorry state of affairs whereby an initial limited inquiry
led by a judge became statutory and chaired
by an 'independent' overseas judge only for her to jump ship (or be
pushed) and leaving a colossal legalistic behemoth now under the
chairmanship of a person originally appointed as a social work 'expert'
who has no legal qualifications or expertise.
The one interested party in the presumptive IICSA crusade Mr Aaronovitch failed to mention was personal injury
But no matter, because even prior to his article, solicitor Peter Garsden tweeted a link to his own article
in defence of IICSA accusing 'dark forces' of attempting to bring it down.
Garsden, a founder of the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers who
represents claimants in making compensation
claims against institutions, stated that to abandon the inquiry would
be a dereliction of duty to the thousands of 'survivors' who have pinned
their hopes of justice on a successful outcome.
He includes the proposed hearings concerning the late Lord Greville Janner, adding that he represents some of
the accusers and that it is their 'only chance' to receive justice at a public hearing.
has indeed been a great deal of clamour and controversy about the
Janner hearings. For a start they concern
alleged abuse by an individual whereas the remit of the inquiry is
institutional failings. Secondly, the mode of inquiry precludes the
rules of evidence in a civil or criminal court that would ensure
fairness. And thirdly, and most importantly, Lord Janner
is not able to mount a defence.
Mr Garsden is wrong when he says this is the accusers' only public
recourse to justice. On the contrary,
the way has been opened up by the family contesting civil claims
against Lord Janner's estate. His son Daniel Janner, a criminal QC
has argued persuasively
that the matter in the civil court should he heard in advance of any
hearings by IICSA, an argument which has been fiercely opposed by
another leading ACAL solicitor, Liz Dux
of Slater and Gordon.
It was Ms Dux whose voice rang out in the media protesting against the decision not to prosecute the ailing
Lord Janner,
when he was still alive,
and also when he had passed – absurd though that might be in fact and law.
the face of it, it might seem odd that lawyers demanding justice for
their clients supported a criminal prosecution,
'for their voices to be heard', but object to a civil trial, where
their voices can be heard and liability decided, in favour of an inquiry
which can go no further than a 'finding of fact'. For the inquiry is
not empowered to establish liability for alleged
offences. It merely provides a staging post on the way.
And here we come to the heart of the matter and the IICSA project. To a man, woman and lawyer, the interested
parties will protest 'it's not about money. It's about justice/accountability/closure'.
But while that may be true of some victims, the overwhelming
majority, signed up to the various survivor groups and ACAL lawyers –
which included until recently the now defunct Public Interest Lawyers
headed by Phil Shiner, currently under investigation
– are looking for monetary compensation.
Victims and Survivors consultative panel, vocal in its protestations to
keep the IICSA ball rolling through
NAPAC spokesman Peter Saunders (who Aaronvotich pointed out as being
one of the leaders of the original presumptive witchhunt) is in the
process of addressing the central aim – the setting up of a reparations
reparations scheme need not include cash handouts, but it most probably
will. When a similar open-handed scheme
was set up in concert with the Irish Industrial Schools Inquiry, it
attracted thousands more to make claims. There was no need for proof.
Personal injury firms, many based in the UK, promoted the scheme far and
wide – and received ample fees for their endeavours.
There is no reason to think that claims would not expand exponentially in the UK were such a scheme to be launched.
in Australia, where a smaller scale Royal Commission has been in
progress over a number of years,
the setting up of a reparations scheme has triggered yet more
controversy and dispute. Claimants,(who do, or did, not want money),
say proposed amounts are derisory given their suffering. Questions are also being asked as to whether claimants who have previously received compensation for abuse should be permitted
further awards on the basis of extended institutional liability
both within and without the scheme.
And the institutions who are blamed – not the alleged offenders – are
disputing whether they should be held liable to foot the compensation
bill or the state.
Because remember, these inquiries do not establish liability, only 'facts' which may provide the basis of an
inference for legal liability.
There is little doubt that IICSA – were it ever to get to the point of findings – would come up against similar
problems, multiplied.
the Janner case? The civil case is in respect of Lord Janner's personal
estate. Even on the balance of probability,
it may be hard for the claimants to establish their case, which would
be subject to rigorous cross-examination even in the absence of the
testator. It could be a very costly gamble for the legal teams involved
on a conditional fee basis, particularly Slater
and Gordon the listed Australian law firm reeling from massive losses
through its UK acquisitions.
Rather then, the quasi-judicial 'findings' of IICSA, shorn of due process and with legal costs guaranteed.
Any positive 'findings' could then be utilised in an attempt at settlement in the civil dispute or be channelled
into the 'reparations' kitty.
This is but the latest episode of the ACAL crusade in making a mockery of justice and patsies of us all.
Part Two will follow shortly as to ACAL and the floodgates of injustice.
ACAL according to the late great Richard Webster:
ReplyDeleteThe response of ACAL to Shieldfield
ACAL's press officer, Peter Garsden, is a partner in the Cheshire firm of Abney Garsden Macdonald, a firm of solicitors which specialises in seeking compensation on behalf of alleged victims of sexual abuse. He gave his views on the outcome of the libel trial to Jon Robins of Lawdirect, an online news service run by the leading legal publishers Butterworths.
One of the most striking features of Garsden's response is that he expresses no sympathy at all for Dawn Reed and Chris Lillie and makes no reference to their nine-year ordeal. Instead he is said to be 'troubled' by the judgment and concerned that it may deter experts from participating in inquiries to unearth abuse.
The only reasonable inference one may draw from these words is that Garsden believes that members of an inquiry team should be protected by the law even if they dishonestly conceal evidence which might point to the innocence of those accused, and even if, as in the Shieldfield case, such dishonesty plays a part in driving completely innocent citizens to the brink of suicide.
What is most extraordinary about the views Peter Garsden expresses is not so much the fact that he has voiced them but that a leading legal publisher should take them seriously and relay them to the world.
The views Garsden has expressed both about Shieldfield and about trawling are also in keeping with the general position adopted by ACAL. This organisation, whose inaugural conference in 1999 was chaired by the journalist Christian Wolmar, presents itself as offering help and support to victims of child abuse. But its role is in practice rather different. It is in effect an organisation which provides help and support to those who make allegations of sexual abuse. In particular it supports claims made for financial compensation. It even offers to train witnesses in the art of giving evidence. Its general presumption appears to be that allegations of sexual abuse are always, or almost always, true.
This presumption is one which ACAL appears more than happy to extend not only to retrospective allegations made against care workers, but also to allegations of satanic ritual abuse. Indeed, as is acknowledged on ACAL's own website, the founder of the organisation, barrister Lee Moore, actually believes that she is herself a victim of ritual abuse and that she 'experienced Satanic ritual abuse throughout childhood'.
An article about Moore which appeared in the Times Literary Supplement (29 January 1999) implied that she had no memories of the twelve years during which, from the age of three to the age of fifteeen, she had been brought up inside what she later identified as a satanic cult.
According to the article her life during this period had been so traumatic that she had 'dissociated' herself from it. It was only after she had a nervous breakdown forty years later that she had, 'with the help of her psychiatrist, pieced together her life of fear growing up in an organised abuse ring' where she had been 'abused by carers, friends and acquaintances both male and female'.
What is truly disturbing, however, is that this belief has become one of the foundation stones of a professional organisation of lawyers which is now acting as a pressure group on behalf of those who make allegations of abuse.
Even more disturbing is that this organisation appears to be taken seriously not only by the publishers Butterworths, who have on occasion offered it sponsorship, but also by the Law Society itself.
Quote ends:
See full details of the shieldfield persecution here:
Garsden is an idiot. He really is thick as shit. Hasn't got the slighhtest clue about the law in this area.